• Welding technology

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How can we help you?

We will of course be happy to assist you personally.
You can reach us weekdays between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Hamm plant

Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH | Welding technology | Wilhelmstr. 7 | 59067 Hamm

Dipl.-Ing. (SFI) Dirk Meyer
Head of ProfitCentre Welding Technology

0049 2381 276 438

Bruno Jurcic | Sales |

0049 2381 276 234

Dr. Benjamin Glettner
Head of Quality Department Welding Technology

0049 2381 276 455

Rothenburg plant

Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH | Friedenstr. 21 | 06193 Wettin-Löbejün -OT Rothenburg-

Dipl.-Ing. (SFI) Dirk Meyer
Head of ProfitCentre Welding Technology

0049 2381 276 438

Matthias Wetzl | Sales field service |

0049 175 570 86 81

Thomas Richter
Sales field service

0049 170 576 22 88

Alexander Weise | Sales |

0049 34691 41 384